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  • PFE

The Four Universal Rules of Firearm Safety

Updated: May 2, 2021

These rules apply to ALL firearms regardless of type.

Rule #1

Treat every firearm as if it is loaded and always perform a clearance check every time you pick one up.

It doesn’t matter if you were the last person to handle the firearm and you “absolutely know it is unloaded.” You may have forgotten it was loaded and/or someone else may have handled the firearm without your knowledge. If you do not know how to properly clear the firearm then ask someone who does or do not handle the firearm you have learned how to properly clear it.

Rule #2

Never point the muzzle of your firearm at anything that you do not intend to kill or destroy.

Every time you pick up a firearm, especially when you are clearing it, make sure that it is pointed in a safe direction, away from people and objects you do not want killed or destroyed. This is also crucial when thinking about what is on the other side of walls and doors. Bullets can pass through walls and doors so you need to make sure you know what is on the other side.

Rule #3

Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

Your finger should not go near the trigger until you intend on actually shooting the firearm. There is a proper way to keep your finger off the trigger. Your trigger finger should be placed along the frame of the firearm, not on our just outside of the trigger well.

Rule #4

Be sure of your target and what lies behind it. Also be aware of your 360-degree surroundings if you are engaging targets in multiple directions.

No matter what you are shooting at, whether it is at a range or in a self-defense situation, make sure you know what is behind your target. Bullets can pass through all kinds of materials. Also, if you are intending on shooting in multiple directions or moving through a home, you need to know your complete surroundings.

Stay safe. Stay practical. Stay educated.


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