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The Tueller Drill (21 Foot Drill)

Updated: May 19, 2021

In 1983 Police Lieutenant Dennis Tueller hypothesized, then completed practical experiments to show that someone can cover a 21-foot distance in roughly 1.5 seconds. He tested this theory using people of different sizes, physical abilities, and genders and continually came up with the same time span. Tueller’s primary concern was with helping train Officers to be better prepared to face encounters. If Officers could understand that within 21 feet a person who is armed (or even unarmed) could cover the distance and harm them, they would respond correctly. To some this became the “21-foot Rule.” Unfortunately, what was meant to symbolize the POSSIBILITY of needing to use deadly force within 21 feet became, “I HAVE to use deadly force within 21 feet.” Therefore, rather than assessing situations properly, it became a “rule” rather than just a principle. Sadly, this is not what Tueller had in mind. As you will see in the video below, his research has been used and in some instances abused.

Now you may be asking, “Why is this important to me? I am not a Police Officer.” From a home defense perspective, you should be taking this drill into consideration when thinking through your home defense plan. What are the distances from your front door to your bedrooms? How about the back door to the bedrooms? I can tell you from experience with my house that the max distance I have available in a number of scenarios is under 30 feet. Knowing this, I am aware that I need to move quickly if I believe that an intruder is trying to break in. Also, I may have somewhat of a legal basis to help me if in fact there is an intruder within that distance. Once again, it should NOT be considered a rule, but rather a guiding principle. You should be following The 5 D’s of Home Defense before you even begin to consider the Tueller Drill as a savior from a legal perspective.

Stay safe. Stay practical. Stay educated.


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